IL Code for BinaryTree[X].Contains(Value: X)
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.method public hidebysig instance bool Contains(!X Value) cil managed
// Code Size: 26 byte(s)
.maxstack 3
// There are two comparisons.
// The first one is compiled as a jump.
L_0000: ldarg.0
L_0001: ldfld Freya.DataStructures.Trees.BinaryTree`1/TreeNode
L_0006: brfalse.s L_0018
// The second one is compiled as a value.
L_0008: ldarg.0
L_0009: ldfld Freya.DataStructures.Trees.BinaryTree`1/TreeNode
L_000e: ldarg.1
L_000f: call instance Freya.DataStructures.Trees.BinaryTree`1/TreeNode
L_0014: ldnull
// Instead of testing for inequality, (ceq, ldc_i4_0, ceq)
// we consider both operands as unsigned integers (cgt_un).
L_0015: cgt.un
L_0017: ret
L_0018: ldc.i4.0
L_0019: ret