MvoModel Class

Represents the result of a Mean-Variance Optimization.


Namespace: Austra.Library.MVO
Assembly: Austra.Library (in Austra.Library.dll) Version: 2.5.0+44e7797405725ef3cf24b3ff0eba94ce6c649601
public class MvoModel
Object    MvoModel


MvoModel(DVector, Matrix)Creates and calculates a MVO model.
MvoModel(DVector, Series)Creates and calculates a MVO model.
MvoModel(DVector, Matrix, Series)Creates and calculates a MVO model.
MvoModel(DVector, Matrix, String)Creates and calculates a MVO model.
MvoModel(DVector, Matrix, DVector, DVector)Creates and calculates a MVO model.
MvoModel(DVector, Matrix, DVector, DVector, Series)Creates and calculates a MVO model.
MvoModel(DVector, Matrix, DVector, DVector, String)Creates and calculates a MVO model.


CovarianceThe covariance matrix.
FirstGets the first portfolio in the efficient frontier.
ItemIndexGets a portfolio in the efficient frontier.
ItemInt32Gets a portfolio in the efficient frontier.
LabelsThe name of the assets.
LastGets the last portfolio in the efficient frontier.
LengthGets the number of portfolios in the efficient frontier.
LowerLimitsLower limits for the weights.
PortfoliosPortfolios in the efficient frontier.
ReturnsExpected returns.
SizeNumber of assets in the model.
UpperLimitsUpper limits for the weights.


EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
SetConstraints(Matrix, DVector)Add equality constraints to the model.
SetConstraints(Matrix, DVector, NVector)Add constraints to the model.
SetConstraints(Matrix, DVector, Int32)Add constraints to the model.
ToStringGets a textual representation of the model.
(Overrides ObjectToString)

See Also