Scripting Tools

It's almost impossible to remember all available classes and how are they used: this a known problem with all ray tracers based on a scene language. XSight RT's code editor provides some help when writing a scene script.

The Insert menu

The Insert menu, in the main menu bar, contains commands for inserting predefined shape constructors, as shown in the following image:

When one of these special commands is selected and executed, the corresponding text is inserted at the current position inside the scene script.

Code fragments

You can also press the Ctrl+J key combination to show a popup window like this:

The constructor list is restricted to match text immediately at the left of the insertion point. You can double click the desired constructor or select it by pressing Enter. The window can be closed without inserting any text by pressing Escape.

Code help

You can also get help about a predefined class or a symbolic color name by moving the mouse above an identifier in the editor window.

  1. Classes and alias are always identified. It doesn't matter whether it's a predefined XSight class or a user defined extension, as long as it has been registered for using with XSight RT.
  2. User defined macros are not identified, however. If you define a macro using the name of a predefined class, the floating tooltip will show information about the predefined class.
  3. Color names are always detected.

See also

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