Transforms: Dress

If you need to change the material a simple or composite shape is made of, then you need the dress operation.


You only need to specify the original shape and the new material definition:

Most of the times, the scene optimizer can coalesce the new material into the original object definition.


In this scene, we define a macro for grouping three basic shapes with different colors. The macro is the used to create two instances, and a third instance is created and wrapped with a new material:

    set met(c) = metal(c, 0.03, 0.00, 0.7, 0.3, 5);

    set little_guy(x, z) = union(
        cylinder(x, -1.5, z, 1.5, 1, met(royalblue)),
        cone(x, 1.3, z, 1.5, 1, met(red)),
        sphere(x, 0.8, z,0.8, met(seashell)));

        little_guy(0, 0),
        marble(white, silver, 8));
    little_guy(-3, 5.0);
    little_guy(+3, 2.2);

See also

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