ARModelT | Represents an autoregressive model AR(p). |
ARSModel | Represents an autoregressive model from a series. |
ARVModel | Represents an autoregressive model from a vector. |
ConvergenceException | An algorithm failed to converge. |
CSequence | Represents any sequence returning complex values. |
DateSpline | Interpolates temporal series. |
DSequence | Represents any sequence returning double-precision values. |
EmptySequenceException | The sequence is empty. |
EmptySliceException | A series slice cannot be empty. |
LinearModelT | Represents the result of a linear regression. |
LinearSModel | Represents the result of a linear regression from series. |
LinearVModel | Represents the result of a linear regression from vectors. |
LMatrixJsonConverter | JSON converter for triangular matrices. |
MAModelT | Represents an moving average model MA(q). |
MASModel | Represents an autoregressive model from a series. |
MatrixJsonConverter | JSON converter for rectangular matrices. |
MatrixSizeException | Matrix size mismatch. |
MAVModel | Represents a moving average model from a vector. |
NonPositiveDefiniteException | A matrix is not positive definite. |
NSequence | Represents any sequence returning integer values. |
PlotT | Contains dataset information for plots. |
PolynomialRootsException | No roots were found while solving a polynomial equation. |
Polynomials | Provides methods for working with polynomials. |
SequenceT, TSelf | Common base class for all sequences. |
Series | Represents a time series. |
SeriesT | Represents a named series. |
Solver | A simple solver for equations of the form f(x) = 0. |
SplineARG | Represents a set of splines for cubic interpolation. |
VectorLengthException | Vector length mismatch. |
VectorSpline | Interpolates vectors. |
Cholesky | Represents the result of a Cholesky decomposition. |
CVector | Represents a dense complex vector of arbitrary size. |
DVector | Represents a dense vector of double values, of arbitrary size. |
EVD | Eigenvalue decomposition. |
LMatrix | Represents a lower triangular matrix. |
LU | Represents a LU decomposition. |
Matrix | Represents a dense rectangular matrix. |
NVector | Represents a dense vector of integers, of arbitrary size. |
PointT | Represents a point in a series. |
Polynomial | Represents a cubic polynomial. |
RMatrix | Represents an upper triangular matrix. |
IIndexable | Common interface for all types with indexes like a vector. |
IMatrix | Common interface for all matrix types. |
IPointwiseOperatorsT | Defines a type with a pointwise multiplication operation. |
ISafeIndexed | Defines a type with a SafeIndex method. |
IVector | Common interface for all vector types. |
Frequency | Most common sampling sequences for time series. |
SeriesType | Simple taxonomy for series. |