NSequence Class

Represents any sequence returning integer values.


Namespace: Austra.Library
Assembly: Austra.Library (in Austra.Library.dll) Version: 2.5.0+d1268756e036101f601080f153b3997e72fc912d
public abstract class NSequence : Sequence<int, NSequence>, 
	IFormattable, IEquatable<NSequence>, IEqualityOperators<NSequence, NSequence, bool>, 
	IAdditionOperators<NSequence, NSequence, NSequence>, IAdditionOperators<NSequence, int, NSequence>, 
	ISubtractionOperators<NSequence, NSequence, NSequence>, ISubtractionOperators<NSequence, int, NSequence>, 
	IMultiplyOperators<NSequence, NSequence, int>, IMultiplyOperators<NSequence, int, NSequence>, 
	IDivisionOperators<NSequence, int, NSequence>, IUnaryNegationOperators<NSequence, NSequence>, 
	IPointwiseOperators<NSequence>, IIndexable
Object    SequenceInt32, NSequence    NSequence
IIndexable, IPointwiseOperatorsNSequence, IEquatableNSequence, IFormattable, IAdditionOperatorsNSequence, NSequence, NSequence, IAdditionOperatorsNSequence, Int32, NSequence, IDivisionOperatorsNSequence, Int32, NSequence, IEqualityOperatorsNSequence, NSequence, Boolean, IMultiplyOperatorsNSequence, NSequence, Int32, IMultiplyOperatorsNSequence, Int32, NSequence, ISubtractionOperatorsNSequence, NSequence, NSequence, ISubtractionOperatorsNSequence, Int32, NSequence, IUnaryNegationOperatorsNSequence, NSequence


ItemIndexGets the value at the specified index.
(Overrides SequenceT, TSelfItemIndex)
ItemInt32Gets the value at the specified index.
(Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf)
ItemRangeGets a range from the sequence.
(Overrides SequenceT, TSelfItemRange)


AllChecks whether the predicate is satisfied by all items.
(Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf)
AnyChecks whether the predicate is satisfied by at least one item.
(Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf)
ClonePerforms a shallow copy of the sequence and performs a reset.
(Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf)
ContainsChecks if the sequence contains the given value.
(Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf)
Create(NVector)Creates a sequence from a vector.
Create(Int32, Int32)Creates a sequence from a range.
Create(Int32, Int32, Int32)Creates a sequence from a range and a step.
DistinctGets only the unique values in this sequence.
(Overrides SequenceT, TSelfDistinct)
Equals(NSequence)Checks if two sequence has the same length and arguments.
Equals(Object)Checks if the provided argument is a sequence with the same values.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object))
FilterTransform a sequence acording to the predicate passed as parameter.
(Overrides SequenceT, TSelfFilter(FuncT, Boolean))
FirstGets the first value in the sequence.
(Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf)
GetHashCodeReturns the hashcode for this vector.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
LastGets the last value in the sequence.
(Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf)
LengthGets the total number of values in the sequence.
(Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf)
LongProductGets the product of all the values in the sequence as a long integer.
MapTransform a sequence acording to the function passed as parameter.
(Overrides SequenceT, TSelfMap(FuncT, T))
MapRealCreates a real sequence acording to the function passed as parameter.
MaxGets the maximum value from the sequence.
MinGets the minimum value from the sequence.
NextGets the next item in the sequence.
(Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf)
PlotCreates a plot for this sequence.
PointwiseDivideItem by item division of sequences.
(Overrides SequenceT, TSelfPointwiseDivide(TSelf))
PointwiseMultiplyItem by item multiplication of two sequences.
(Overrides SequenceT, TSelfPointwiseMultiply(TSelf))
ProductGets the product of all the values in the sequence.
(Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf)
Random(Int32)Creates a sequence from random values.
Random(Int32, Int32)Creates a sequence from random values.
Random(Int32, Int32, Int32)Creates a sequence from random values inside an interval.
ReduceReduces a sequence to a single number.
(Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf)
RepeatCreates a sequence by repeating a value a given number of times.
ResetResets the sequence.
(Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf)
SortSorts the content of this sequence.
SortDescendingSorts the content of this sequence in descending order.
StatsGets all statistics from the values in the secuence.
SumGets the sum of all the values in the sequence.
(Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf)
ToStringEvaluated the sequence and formats it like a NVector.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
ToString(String, IFormatProvider)Gets a textual representation of this sequence.
ToVectorConverts this sequence into an integer vector.
Unfold(Int32, Int32, FuncInt32, Int32, Int32)Creates a sequence by unfolding an initial state by a function.
Unfold(Int32, Int32, FuncInt32, Int32)Creates a sequence by unfolding an initial state by a function.
Unfold(Int32, Int32, Int32, FuncInt32, Int32, Int32)Creates a sequence by unfolding an initial state by a function.
Until(FuncInt32, Boolean)Get the initial values of a sequence until a predicate is satisfied.
(Overrides SequenceT, TSelfUntil(FuncT, Boolean))
Until(Int32)Get the initial values of a sequence until a value is found.
(Overrides SequenceT, TSelfUntil(T))
WhileGet the initial values of a sequence that satisfy a predicate.
(Overrides SequenceT, TSelfWhile(FuncT, Boolean))
ZipJoins the common part of two sequence with the help of a lambda.
(Overrides SequenceT, TSelfZip(TSelf, FuncT, T, T))


Addition(Int32, NSequence)Adds a sequence to a scalar value.
Addition(NSequence, NSequence)Adds the common part of two sequences.
Addition(NSequence, Int32)Adds a scalar value to a sequence.
Division(NSequence, Int32)Divides a sequence by a scalar value.
Equality(NSequence, NSequence)Compares two vectors for equality.
Inequality(NSequence, NSequence)Compares two vectors for inequality.
Multiply(Int32, NSequence)Multiplies a scalar value by a sequence.
Multiply(NSequence, NSequence)Calculates the scalar product of the common part of two sequences.
Multiply(NSequence, Int32)Multiplies a sequence by a scalar value.
Subtraction(Int32, NSequence)Subtracts a sequence from a scalar.
Subtraction(NSequence, NSequence)Subtracts the common part of two sequences.
Subtraction(NSequence, Int32)Subtracts a scalar from a sequence.
UnaryNegation(NSequence)Negates a sequence.

See Also