public abstract class NSequence : Sequence<int, NSequence>,
IFormattable, IEquatable<NSequence>, IEqualityOperators<NSequence, NSequence, bool>,
IAdditionOperators<NSequence, NSequence, NSequence>, IAdditionOperators<NSequence, int, NSequence>,
ISubtractionOperators<NSequence, NSequence, NSequence>, ISubtractionOperators<NSequence, int, NSequence>,
IMultiplyOperators<NSequence, NSequence, int>, IMultiplyOperators<NSequence, int, NSequence>,
IDivisionOperators<NSequence, int, NSequence>, IUnaryNegationOperators<NSequence, NSequence>,
IPointwiseOperators<NSequence>, IIndexable
ItemIndex | Gets the value at the specified index. (Overrides SequenceT, TSelfItemIndex) |
ItemInt32 | Gets the value at the specified index. (Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf) |
ItemRange | Gets a range from the sequence. (Overrides SequenceT, TSelfItemRange) |
All | Checks whether the predicate is satisfied by all items. (Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf) |
Any | Checks whether the predicate is satisfied by at least one item. (Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf) |
Clone | Performs a shallow copy of the sequence and performs a reset. (Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf) |
Contains | Checks if the sequence contains the given value. (Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf) |
Create(NVector) | Creates a sequence from a vector. |
Create(Int32, Int32) | Creates a sequence from a range. |
Create(Int32, Int32, Int32) | Creates a sequence from a range and a step. |
Distinct | Gets only the unique values in this sequence. (Overrides SequenceT, TSelfDistinct) |
Equals(NSequence) | Checks if two sequence has the same length and arguments. |
Equals(Object) | Checks if the provided argument is a sequence with the same values. (Overrides ObjectEquals(Object)) |
Filter | Transform a sequence acording to the predicate passed as parameter. (Overrides SequenceT, TSelfFilter(FuncT, Boolean)) |
First | Gets the first value in the sequence. (Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf) |
GetHashCode | Returns the hashcode for this vector. (Overrides ObjectGetHashCode) |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
Last | Gets the last value in the sequence. (Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf) |
Length | Gets the total number of values in the sequence. (Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf) |
LongProduct | Gets the product of all the values in the sequence as a long integer. |
Map | Transform a sequence acording to the function passed as parameter. (Overrides SequenceT, TSelfMap(FuncT, T)) |
MapReal | Creates a real sequence acording to the function passed as parameter. |
Max | Gets the maximum value from the sequence. |
Min | Gets the minimum value from the sequence. |
Next | Gets the next item in the sequence. (Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf) |
Plot | Creates a plot for this sequence. |
PointwiseDivide | Item by item division of sequences. (Overrides SequenceT, TSelfPointwiseDivide(TSelf)) |
PointwiseMultiply | Item by item multiplication of two sequences. (Overrides SequenceT, TSelfPointwiseMultiply(TSelf)) |
Product | Gets the product of all the values in the sequence. (Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf) |
Random(Int32) | Creates a sequence from random values. |
Random(Int32, Int32) | Creates a sequence from random values. |
Random(Int32, Int32, Int32) | Creates a sequence from random values inside an interval. |
Reduce | Reduces a sequence to a single number. (Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf) |
Repeat | Creates a sequence by repeating a value a given number of times. |
Reset | Resets the sequence. (Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf) |
Sort | Sorts the content of this sequence. |
SortDescending | Sorts the content of this sequence in descending order. |
Stats | Gets all statistics from the values in the secuence. |
Sum | Gets the sum of all the values in the sequence. (Inherited from SequenceT, TSelf) |
ToString | Evaluated the sequence and formats it like a NVector. (Overrides ObjectToString) |
ToString(String, IFormatProvider) | Gets a textual representation of this sequence. |
ToVector | Converts this sequence into an integer vector. |
Unfold(Int32, Int32, FuncInt32, Int32, Int32) | Creates a sequence by unfolding an initial state by a function. |
Unfold(Int32, Int32, FuncInt32, Int32) | Creates a sequence by unfolding an initial state by a function. |
Unfold(Int32, Int32, Int32, FuncInt32, Int32, Int32) | Creates a sequence by unfolding an initial state by a function. |
Until(FuncInt32, Boolean) | Get the initial values of a sequence until a predicate is satisfied. (Overrides SequenceT, TSelfUntil(FuncT, Boolean)) |
Until(Int32) | Get the initial values of a sequence until a value is found. (Overrides SequenceT, TSelfUntil(T)) |
While | Get the initial values of a sequence that satisfy a predicate. (Overrides SequenceT, TSelfWhile(FuncT, Boolean)) |
Zip | Joins the common part of two sequence with the help of a lambda. (Overrides SequenceT, TSelfZip(TSelf, FuncT, T, T)) |
Addition(Int32, NSequence) | Adds a sequence to a scalar value. |
Addition(NSequence, NSequence) | Adds the common part of two sequences. |
Addition(NSequence, Int32) | Adds a scalar value to a sequence. |
Division(NSequence, Int32) | Divides a sequence by a scalar value. |
Equality(NSequence, NSequence) | Compares two vectors for equality. |
Inequality(NSequence, NSequence) | Compares two vectors for inequality. |
Multiply(Int32, NSequence) | Multiplies a scalar value by a sequence. |
Multiply(NSequence, NSequence) | Calculates the scalar product of the common part of two sequences. |
Multiply(NSequence, Int32) | Multiplies a sequence by a scalar value. |
Subtraction(Int32, NSequence) | Subtracts a sequence from a scalar. |
Subtraction(NSequence, NSequence) | Subtracts the common part of two sequences. |
Subtraction(NSequence, Int32) | Subtracts a scalar from a sequence. |
UnaryNegation(NSequence) | Negates a sequence. |