
AUSTRA provides double-precision vectors, identified by the class vec, complex double-precision vectors, cvec, and vectors of integer, ivec. All these data types are implemented using dense storage.

Real vectors

A vector is constructed by listing its components inside brackets:

[1, 2, 3, 4]

Commas are mandatory for separating items, and white space and line feeds are always ignored.

Bracket lists can be also used to concatenate the content of several vectors, and you can add scalars to the mix:

let v1=[1, 2], v2=[3, 4];
-- Returns a vector with 4 items.
[v1, v2];
-- This also is accepted:
[[1, 2], v2];
-- Scalars can also be added.
[0, v1, pi, v2, tau];

Class methods

Vectors can also be created using these class methods:


Overloaded constructor (see DVector ).


Creates a vector filled with ones.


Creates a vector with random values from a uniform distribution.


Creates a vector with random values from a normal standard distribution.

These are the overloads supported by vec::new:

-- Creates a vector with 10 items, all of them zeros.
new(10); -- Remember that ::new can be omitted! vec(10); -- Creates a vector like [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] vec(10, i => i + 1)

The last example shows how to create a vector using a lambda function parameter. This is a more sophisticated example of using a lambda to initialize items in a vector:

-- Mimics a periodic function.
vec(1024, i => sin(i*pi/512) + 0.8*cos(i*pi/256))

vec::new can also be used to create a linear combination of vectors:

vec([0.5, 0.1, 0.7, 0.2], v1, v2, v3)

The first parameter contains weights, and the remaining parameters are the vectors that will be linearly combined. If there is an extra value in the weights, as in the example, it is used as an independent term. The above expression is equivalent to this one:

0.5 + 0.1 * v1 + 0.7 * v2 + 0.2 * v3

Please note that the parser can detect some code patterns and optimize expressions automatically. For instance, for vectors, the parser recognizes these patterns:

vector1 * scalar + vector2;
scalar * vector1 + vector2;
scalar1 * vector1 + scalar2 * vector2;

All these expressions are reduced to calls to one of the overloads of either MultiplyAdd or Combine2. These methods are internally optimized to use a single temporary buffer, instead of the two buffers of a naïve implementation, and both of them use FMA fused operations when available. Of course, the method underlying the above presented vec::new constructor is even better optimized and runs several times faster than even the optimized versions of lineal composition.

Another experimental optimisation substitutes non-destructive operators by operations that directly modify the internal buffer of one of the operands:

vec::random(10) + vector2;

It does not matter where vector2 comes from. The first operand is a "new" vector, created on the fly for this formula, and its buffer will not survive beyond this formula. The compiler reckons it is safe to substitute the non-destructive addition with a version that leaves the result in the buffer of the first operand.

Vector properties

Properties and methods or vectors are very similar to the ones from series. As a rule, almost all code in series that do not need to take dates into account, is implemented via the corresponding vector code, which is heavily optimized and hardware-accelerated. These are the properties supported by a vector instance:


Gets a new vector with absolute values. See Abs.


The AutoCorrelation Function. See ACF.


Gets the maximum of the absolute values. See AMax.


Gets the minimum of the absolute values. See AMin.


Gets a new vector with the unique values from the original one. See Distinct.


Gets the Fast Fourier Transform of the values. See Fft.


Gets the first item in the vector. See First.


Gets the last item in the vector. See Last.


Gets the number of values in the vector. See Length.


Get the maximum value from the vector. See Maximum.


Gets the average of the values in the vector. See Mean.


Get the minimum value from the vector. See Minimum.


Gets the Pythagorean norm of the vector. See Norm.


The Partial AutoCorrelation Function. See PACF.


Shows the vector in a chart. See Plot.


Multiplies all items in the vector. See Product.


Creates a new vector with items in reverse order. See Reverse.


Gets a new vector with its items sorted. See Sort.


Gets a new vector with its items sorted in descending order. See SortDescending.


Gets the scalar product of the vector with itself. See Squared.


Gets a new vector with the square root of each item. See Sqrt.


Gets all statistics in one call. See Stats.


Gets the sum of all values. See Sum.

Vector methods

These are the methods supported by a vector instance:


Checks if all items satisfy a lambda predicate. See All.


Checks if exists an item satisfying a lambda predicate. See Any.


Gets the autoregression coefficients for a given p. See AutoRegression.


Creates a full AR(p) model. See ARModel.


Gets the autocorrelation given a lag. See AutoCorrelation.


Gets all autocorrelations up to a given lag. See Correlogram.


Filters items by value. See Filter.


Similar to filter, but returns a sequence of the indexes. See Find.


Returns the first index where a value is stored. See IndexOf.


Gets the regression coefficients given a list of vectors. See LinearModel.


Creates a full linear model from a list of vectors. See FullLinearModel.


Estimates coefficients for an MA(q) model. See MovingAverage.


Creates a full MA(q) model. See MAModel.


Pointwise transformation of the items in a vector. See Map.


Reduces all items in a vector to a single value. See Reduce.


Combines two vectors using a lambda function. See Zip.

Vector operators

Real-valued vectors supports the basic repertoire of operators:


Adds two vectors, or a vector and a scalar.


Subtracts two vectors, or a vector and a scalar. Also works as the unary negation.


Multiplying two vectors represents the inner vector product, returning a number. A vector multiplied by a scalar is a vector scaling operation.


Divides a vector by a scalar.


Pointwise vector multiplication.


Pointwise vector division.


Outer product for two vectors, returning a matrix.

The outer product of vectors x[i] and y[i] returns the matrix with components m[i,j]=x[i]*y[j]. This expression call:


returns this matrix:

Austra Desktop
ans ∊ ℝ(3⨯3)
 4   5   6
 8  10  12
12  15  18

Complex vectors

There's no special syntax for complex vector literals, but complex vectors can be easily created using the cvec::new class method and one or two vector constructors:

cvec::new([1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1]);
-- ::new can be omitted.
cvec([1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1])

These class methods are available for creating complex vectors:


Overloaded constructor (see below).


Creates a complex vector with random values from a uniform distribution.


Creates a complex vector with random values from a normal standard distribution.

These are the overloads supported by cvec::new:

-- Creates a complex vector with 10 zeros.
-- Creates a complex vector from one real vector.
cvec([1, 2, 3]);
-- Creates a complex vector from two real vectors.
cvec([1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1]);
-- Creates a complex vector with a lambda function.
cvec(10, i => polar(2π*i/10));
-- The lambda function includes access to the complex vector.
cvec(100, (i, v) => polar(2π*i/10) - 0.01 * i * v{i-1})

Complex vector properties

These are the properties supported by a complex vector instance:


Gets the maximum of the absolute values. See AbsMax.


Gets the minimum of the absolute values. See AbsMin.


Gets a new vector with the unique values from the original one. See Distinct.


Gets the Fast Fourier Transform of the values. See Fft.


Gets the first item in the vector. See First.


Gets the imaginary components as a vector. See Imaginary.


Gets the last item in the vector. See Last.


Gets the number of values in the vector. See Length.


Gets magnitudes as a vector. See Magnitudes.


Gets the average of the values in the vector. See Mean.


Gets the Pythagorean norm of the vector. See Norm.


Gets phases as a vector. See Phases.


Shows the vector in a chart. See Plot.


Multiplies all items in the vector. See Product.


Gets the real components as a vector. See Real.


Creates a new vector with items in reverse order. See Reverse.


Gets the scalar product of the vector with itself. See Squared.


Gets the sum of all values. See Sum.

Complex vector methods

These are the methods supported by a complex vector instance:


Checks if all items satisfy a lambda predicate. See All.


Checks if exists an item satisfying a lambda predicate. See Any.


Filters items by value. See Filter.


Similar to filter, but returns a sequence of the indexes. See Find.


Returns the first index where a value is stored. See IndexOf.


Pointwise transformation of the items in a vector. See Map.


Pointwise transformation of the items in a vector. Returns a real vector. See MapReal.


Reduces all items in a vector to a single value. See Reduce.


Combines two vectors using a lambda function. See Zip.

Complex vector operators

Complex vectors supports the same operators as real-valued operators, with the exception of the outer product ^. On the other hand, they add support for complex vector conjugation using a unary suffix operator:


Unary suffix operator for complex vector conjugation.

Complex vector conjugation inverts the sign of each imaginary component in the vector. The inner product of two complex vectors actually conjugates the second vector operand.

Integer vectors

Integer vectors are also supported, using the ivec class.


Overloaded constructor.


Creates a vector filled with ones.


Creates a vector with random values from a uniform distribution.

ivec::random has three overloaded variants:

-- Ten items. Values between 0 and int.MaxValue - 1.
random(10); -- Values between 0 and 999.
random(10, 1000); -- Values between -10 and 9.
random(-10, 10)

Integer vector literals can be created using this notation:

-- Integer vector creation.
v1 = [int: 1, 2, 3, 4]; -- Integer vector concatenation. [int: v1, 5, v1.reverse];

Integer vector properties

Integer vectors support these properties:


Gets a new vector with absolute values. See Abs.


Gets a new vector with the unique values from the original one. See Distinct.


Gets the first item in the vector. See First.


Gets the last item in the vector. See Last.


Gets the number of values in the vector. See Length.


Gets the maximum value from the vector. See Maximum.


Gets the minimum values from the vector. See Minimum.


Multiplies all items in the vector. See Product.


Creates a new vector with items in reverse order. See Reverse.


Sorts the vector in ascending order. See Sort.


Sorts the vector in descending order. See SortDescending.


Gets all statistics in one call. See Stats.


Gets the sum of all values. See Sum.


Converts the integer vector into a double vector. See ToVector.

Integer vector methods

These are the methods for integer vectors:


Checks if all items satisfy a lambda predicate. See All.


Checks if exists an item satisfying a lambda predicate. See Any.


Filters items by value. See Filter.


Pointwise transformation of the items in another integer vector. See Map.


Pointwise transformation of the items into a real vector. See MapReal.


Reduces all items in a vector to a single integer value. See Reduce.


Combines two integer vectors using a lambda function. See Zip.

Indexing and slicing

Individual values from vectors are accessed using its position, starting from zero, inside brackets:

vec[vec.length - 1]

A segment or slice can be extracted as another vector by using this notation:

vec[1..vec.length - 1]

The above expression removes the first and the last element from a vector. The upper bound is excluded.

The caret (^) can be used in indexes and segments, to count positions from the end. For instance, this expression returns the next to last item of a vector:


These equalities hold:

vec[1..^1] = vec[1..vec.length - 1];
vec[^5..^2].length = 3

Vectors and series also support safe indexers. With normal indexers, like v[1000], an out-of-range reference throws an exception and interrupts the evaluation of the formula. If braces are used instead of brackets, and out-of-range reference returns 0.0 and it is considered as a valid use. For instance, the following expression returns zero:

[1, 2, 3, 4]{1000}

Safe indexers are useful when used inside lambda functions. This expression creates a vector holding the first 30 Fibonacci numbers:

vec(30, (i, v) => max(1, v{i-1} + v{i-2}))

The Fast Fourier Transform

AUSTRA provides a Discrete Fourier Transform for real and complex vectors, sequences, and series. The core result of the transformation, which is implemented by the fft property is a complex vector, but this vector is commonly wrapped inside a FftModel class instance, which provides additional helping methods and properties and, among them, a method for inverting the transform and getting back the original samples.

The other function of FftModel is to act a semantic marker on behalf of any application that is using the AUSTRA parser. When you execute something like aaa.fft in the Austra Desktop application, where aaa is a time series, you get a special view for the Fast Fourier Transform based on the returned FftModel:

fft 1

The first line tells us we are seeing a Fast Fourier Transform that has transformed 583 real samples into a complex spectrum containing 291 complex values. Since there is not a pretty and effective way to draw those complex values, the chart that follows shows the amplitudes of those values, and gives us the option to also see their phases.

If we immediately type and execute ans.inverse, we would get not the original series, because the date arguments has been discarded by the FFT, but a vector with the original values or coordinates of the time series. The key in the recon-struction is that the FftModel keeps track of the fact that the FFT was created from a vector of reals instead of from a vector of complex numbers.

Let us check now how our FFT handles a complex vector. For making things a little more interesting this time, we are going to start with this formula:

(cvec::nrandom(1024) + cvec(1024, i => 0.6*sin(i*0.2))).fft

There is a noisy component, based on a normal distribution, and then we add a shameless periodic function, affecting just the real part of the complex vector. The first thing we can predict is that the FFT will not have a big zero component: the zero component of any Discrete Fourier Transform is known as the DC, or Direct Current component, in electronic jargon, because it represents the mean of the samples. Our new mean will be insignificant, because the normal distribution generates both positive and negative terms, and the corresponding plot confirms our suspicions:

fft 2

This time, the number of samples in the transform is the same number of original samples. It is immediately obvious that there is a periodic component in the samples, which shows as two symmetric peaks at the beginning and end of the spectrum. And, if we immediately execute ans.inverse, we get back the original complex vector, with all its samples.

FFT properties and indexer

For the sake of clarity, let us group all properties available for FFT models:


Gets the amplitudes, or magnitudes, of the transformation numbers.


Performs the inverse transformation for the full spectrum. The algorithm used depends on the kind of source of the transformation.


Number of samples in the transformation result.


Gets the phases of the transformation numbers.


The full spectrum of the transformation, as a complex vector.

The FftModel class also implements an indexer and allows the use of slices and relative indexes.

See Also